“Faith is taking the first step even when you don't see the whole staircase.”
Martin Luther King Jr.
More than seven million individuals of African Ancestry in the U.S. are living with a mental health condition
Mental wellness deserves real talk! For far too long, mental health has been a taboo subject in our community, leaving many of us to suffer in silence – even while surrounded by those who care. Roots Community Health is committed to “Healing Our Community from Within,” meaning that we are in a continuous process of healing ourselves and supporting one another on the road to mental wellness. Our #RealTalk campaign is designed to open the door to healing conversations, and to increase connections to resources and information. We hope you find these pages valuable, and look forward to your feedback.
Real Talk Resources

Roots is excited to team up with BlackFULLness to spread the word about their groundbreaking app!  The BlackFULLness app contains numerous mindful practices to heal the mind, body, and soul.  With the support of Roots, BlackFULLness wants to encourage all in East and South Bay to put their mental health first.


Don’t forget to download the BlackFULLness app today!

Know the Signs

Talk About It

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Start Healing

Books & Videos

Resource Sites

REAL TALK Mental Health PSA

Healing the Community From Within

Roots Community Health provides a unique blend of health care and complementary services to build self-sufficiency and community empowerment through a whole health approach to wellness. Roots Community Health is committed to uplifting those impacted by systemic inequities and poverty.