Day 5: Health Navigation

In 2014,  Jessie was accepted to the Roots’ Emancipators Academy. Emancipators receive extensive workforce training through our social enterprise, Clean 360, invaluable mentorship and wrap-around support services. While Jessie was cultivating his skills at the factory, we also helped him navigate barriers he encountered by implementing components that would promote whole health.

A year later, Jessie graduated from the Emancipators Academy and joined the Roots staff as a Health Navigator, helping the re-entry population access crucial resources necessary for self-sufficiency. He is now our Navigation Program Manager, and mentors incoming Emancipators and Navigators, in addition to providing comprehensive support to his clients.

Health Navigation allows health providers to assist community members in accessing the care they may need. For the population we serve, navigating health goes far beyond biological health, and extends into financial, psychological and socio-cultural wellness.